
Residential and Commerical Landscape Maintenance Packages

[Your Territory]

Give your property the care it deserves.

Give your property the care it deserves.

Jim’s Property Maintenance LLC

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Jim’s Property Maintenance LLC quos eius p maximum at partus mus utraque qui-lacinia sunt sem modo corporis in est [Esse Suggessit] caedis. Ac molunt te ac quas ad-te nemo il donec at sit esse nibh sem gubernium concludendl eodem.

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Jim Brabant

Our Landscape Maintenance Process

Service Details
Our landscape maintenance packages can include a variety of services. Some of the most popular services included in this package are outlined below.

Our team ensures the maintenance of all the shrubs, hedges, and trees. We will shape, prune, and trim all shrubs, hedges, and trees on your property that are 16 feet and under.

Your landscape maintenance package may include weekly mowing. That way, you don’t have to worry about when or how your grass gets cut. You can trust us to ensure your lawn is always looking its best.

If your landscape maintenance package includes weed removal or weed control, our team will treat and remove any weeds. We will also ensure the prevention of weeds with the application of preen weed preventer every three months.

Our expert team will ensure your lawn is clean of debris and leaves through regular raking. This also prevents the build up of any leaves or dead plant matter, allowing your soil to breathe and your lawn to flourish.

At your planned day of maintenance, our team members will check on the mulch in your flower beds. They will turn over the mulch, and add mulch if necessary.

If you’re away or desire more time for other important aspects of your life, let us take care of all your maintenance needs, including watering your plants and lawn. We will regularly water your lawn and plants with the ideal amounts.

We also offer winterization for irrigation systems. We will shut off the water, open the lines, blow them out with compressed air, and leave the valves open. In contrast, we also provide a start-up option where we come out at the beginning of the season and turn the water back on, making sure everything is functioning as it should.

How To Get A Quote


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Landscape Maintenance Pricing

Eum fuga in quae honoraria contemnebat recurro nonummy ac orci il continue cum est eget at eros gestarum. Formastis, p elit meruerunt praesentium reprobo nam eius $100 id $950 sed mirum. Quo mus amet deorum mi arcu arcui etiam urna ac o non-nisi proprio. Ad ordine piscis earum non EUM palaestra utraque nam criminales defunctis foveam.

Our No-Risk Guarantee

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Check Out What Our Clients Say About Us

Check Out Our Latest Work

Amazing what spreading a bit of fresh mulch can do to liven up your landscape! ...

4 0

Don’t invite the bugs to your barbecue this summer… give us a call to reduce the presence of mosquitoes, ticks, spiders, and other pests in your yard! ...

1 0

Who else loves to lay down some stripes?! ...

2 0

Our crew was happy to get out and donate some of their time for a cleanup at Badger Park! ...

3 0

Give your property the care it deserves with our lawn fertilization & weed control program. Our well trained, fully licensed staff applies the best products at the best times to ensure you see improvements in your yard! ...

5 0

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Areas We Serve

Jim's Property Maintenance LLC is committed to providing reliable, high-quality, and professional lawn care and landscaping services to the Marinette, Menominee, Peshtigo, Oconto, Oconto Falls, and surrounding areas.

N3368 River Bend Dr.
Peshtigo, Wisconsin
54157, USA

Jim's Property Maintenance LLC

[email protected]

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